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Guns and Roses: Civil War

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

WHIG'IN Out or Whig the Dog?

Whigs to the left of us, Whigs to the right of us. Here I am stuck in the middle with you. 
What's a Whig? Dennis Kucinich explains it's definition on the floor as our other representatives scatter away in the video and article linked to this assignment for our government class. 
WHIG'IN Out or Whig the Dog?

'Wag the Dog' was a movie based on the 'novel' idea that our government is orchestrated by a 'producer' and the government in which we live in and all it political entities are the players in a world theatre of directors.  If you have ever felt like our government and national events seemed staged, please see this movie.

Why I use it in my title is because this was an important issue that got interestingly overlooked by the popular media and  our representatives who scattered as soon our Rep. Kucinich took the floor. "WHIG is the White House Iraq Group. The department of defense has engaged in a secret domestic propaganda campaign to promote and market the invasion and the occupation in a false war with Iraq." (para.) 

This moment in our history is important because it may be one of the last stands of the people using our government system to fight for the constitution to be upheld and adhered to by our representative government. It failed.  There may never be another chance if our constitution isn't being upheld by our representatives. If our government is 'orchestrated' and we are entering into a socialist government by abandoning the constitution then Kucinich will go into history as one of  the last representative to fight for our constitution using our system. It is too bad that the men and women that we elected would choose to participate in destroying our constitution and take away our rights to lead us into a war, to accept whatever policies they want us to accept. It angers me to see the house seats empty in this video. To me, it seems they are afraid of the public knowing what is  actually going on and are using the cover of war and the blood of people to enforce their global agenda of 'events' without regard to our constitution or us the common people who's blood is being spilled in an 'orchestrated' war. It also angers me to know that my tax dollars are funding a hidden agenda not based on the constitution. Does anyone  have opinions on this? If not, I guess it is just me and Dennis.  Also this is an example of government tyranny over the weaker masses which suggests the final stages of  decomposing Federalism.  I miss my rights. How about you?   

1 comment:

  1. Kibbs . . . I give you a great big THANK YOU for your words. I watched the Kucinich clip . . . I remember watching for hours as he step by step outlined the crimes committed by the President of the United States of America, George Bush and the Vice-President, Dick Cheney and their various corporate perpetrators.
    It is not just you and Dennis . . . we are many and we are thinking that people need to be held accountable. Presidents, bankers, corporations . . . They have crashed the lives of women, men and children from one end of the globe to the other. They have betrayed the People of America. Yes, some of us feel strongly and You, Dennis and I am not alone.




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