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Monday, February 23, 2009

The Right View? Is it Through? My Top Blue View

Alan Keyes is all over the place trying to spread the fear in the video footage. What I noticed most is that the shield glass protecting President Obama was very noticeably on the right. 

Why doesn't N.A.S.A. create a force field or something equally high tech to protect him without impeding the view. It seemed to be distracting to him as well. And what was up with the camera crew shooting to emphasize it. Surely, these professionals shooting the footage realized what a crap view it was and should of set up on the other side.  Is this a play for mass sympathy? Barack seemed annoyed a bit by it.  Was it's placement influenced by the political cartoon OpEdNews » Black History Month; The Subject that Segregates?  

I think Keyes is a fear monger from a fear filled administration and I am beginning to think that fear power is residual, much like Uranium, can never be destroyed. They break down but still will effect generations to come.  

Also I went to the artist website Sean Delonas who drew the pic. His art isn't racist, in my opinion, but what the heck was he thinking?  Just my two cents on that. I hate to give him homage through a pic meant to take the focus off the real issues in our country and our citizens and soldiers overseas but I was curious to see.  What a crap way to fame. 


  1. Kibbs

    It is hard for me to believe that years ago I admired Alan Keyes.

    Perhaps I have changed and perhaps he has gone off the deep end.

    Perhaps both are true.

    I don't know, I'm just trying to get by and figure out what is going on, really going on.

    Take Care


  2. Alan Keyes is admirable. Still the media or someone in the public eye, that has an agenda is someone I lack trust. Some of what he says really makes sense but with all his excitement, he didn't seem to check his facts and he got caught up. Who hasn't got caught up in all this. Too many inconsistencies in our government body. The politics of this country is crazy and over information makes it hard to decipher. I feel like I am on a tube hung from the back of a boat in rough waters. I'm holding on but its a crazy ride.
    I am also trying to figure out what is going on. The edu.,. org. websites are chock full of presidential, government, trials, and all kinds of paperwork half of which is very time consuming to read. By going to ACC, I am able to browse freely and what a wealth of info. Sometimes I just get lost in reading, jumping from link to link. The one that sticks out in my head more than any is a month before 9/11 happened Bush wrote that he wanted to beef up homeland security and spending. Guess what? I don't feel safer. Better build a fence! LOL


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