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Guns and Roses: Civil War

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My View of J.A.'s View: Obama going "Green"

In regards to environmental issues, any steps that our government takes to protect people in the world is a step in the right direction. "However, Obama fails to mention who America would be "partnering" with to make this green dream a reality;" from Virgin Blogger: Obama going "Green" 
 Union labor is going to be hard to avoid.  And is something that should not be avoided. Welcome to Union Built  With unification of labor, our country and its labor force has been able to build. Building is a sign of better days for our country. It employs many people in the United States. And when common people prosper there is a stimulus to the economy. 
Unions have protected the people on the job so that they have representation in issues of importance, some often life preserving. Membership - Union and Non-Union Wages & Benefits
Unions recommended not joining NAFTA. Now look at our economic state.  We the people need to unite with ideals and politics in these times. Economyincrisis.org - America's Economic Report - Daily
 And if unions and non-union companies are not able to work together then the better skilled will win and get the bid. Or will they hire cheap labor and again our economy becomes deeper in debt? Economyincrisis.org - America's Economic Report - Daily

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