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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On the Precipice (Looking In)

Political Ideology :
According to The Pew Research Center for the People & The Press, Beyond Red vs. Blue, The 2005 Political Typology TEST states that I am a 'liberal'.

For a clearer view of my Political Ideology, ponder the idea of testing the tests. For instance, the first time I read the test,  I wondered if it would be biased based on sexuality, religious belief or finances. 
 I took the test multiple times to see how the test would change based on one question being changed.  Interestingly, the 'fit' always seemed appropriate based on the question I changed. Then after taking the test with honest answers,  I 'fit' in liberal.  Of course being liberal, I resented being put into a box and slapped with a label. Ultimately though, I realize this is a tool for self exploration in regards to political ideology  and quite a wonderful one.  

60's Ideology sounds right on. Born in 1965, daughter of a Union Craftsman. Mother had odd jobs but was generally involved rearing my brother and I, in a suburb of the post-atomic era. During the Reagan years, my family started adapting more conservative values. Looking at all sides, I eventually became 'Disenchanted', a 'fit' from the test above.  My lack of involvement was by choice. My parents taught me to independently think. Politics are dirty and I didn't respect the changes I have seen in America and also lacked trust in our government. Then Waco and 9/11 happened. Deciding to start following current events seemed very important. Our rights are slowly diminishing. We seem to have 'sold out to gadgets' as the late great Carlin said when he looked so sick in his last interview with Keith Olbermann, whose name has to be the most misspelled in media. Now, I enjoy researching Conspiricy theories, government involvements, light stuff like the New World Order and technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification Devices, and other supposed security devices and how this will affect our march as a 'mob' into the philosophy of our future with everything and everyone being numbered. 
Picking this government class was important.  I wanted to be challenged with technology and learn about others points of views especially fresh views of young people who are discovering the world of politics and embracing technologies as they enter into society and its offerings. And hopefully, with my words I can inspire someone to think and question everything. 

It is hopeful to be starting my government class on the greatest day celebrated by our country, the Presidential Inauguration.  Hope is a good thing.  I hope our troups come home and the senseless killing stops. I hope we won't be fooled again.   

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)


  1. Isn't it a marvelous day?

    I hope we all do our various parts to help "make real" the world changes that we all need so badly.

    I like the way you think and enjoy what you have to say.


  2. Hope all is well for you.

    I see your creation develop.


    Take care.


  3. I can tell that you are keeping very busy.

    Sometime, when you have time, come over to my blog and tell me about that fishing adventure that you once mentioned to me.



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